Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Welcome! Welcome to the site of Mr. Delroy Edwards. I am very appreciative that you are here. Thank You!
Being that this is my first time directly communicating publicly with the world. As I introduce myself. I First want to thank God for this moment and all the people who made this opportunity possible. Thank You!
Secondly, I want to apologize to my great family, particularly my mom and children whom I love terribly, to my receptive friends and the compassionate love ones, (who have kept me always in their cares) For my inadequacies that had denied them of their dreams. I also would like to apologize for my behaviors that had demean, embarrass, insult or impeded them setting and accomplished expected goals. Despite my best intentions I was not a good Dad, but instead a failure. I am sorry and I apologize.

I Beg for your Forgiveness 
Finally to my children. In the midst of all the confusion, uncertainties and pain, you need not to be ashamed of who I am or who you are. For you had no option. You did not choose your Dad. God did. I beg for your forgiveness for my doubts, inadequacies and sometime disbelief.

Thanks for your understanding. I love you all. My love for you all are as constant as the seasons and as endless as eternity. May the Lord keep you all from closed-mind mentality. And grant you all the faith to succeed. I wish you all the best in all your future pursuits.

Your Son, Your Dad,Your friend,Your loved one,
MR. Delroy Edwards