Friday, September 14, 2018

Hip Hop at 45


1. Hip Hop History: A celebration of its mechanics, primary characters, ideas, innovations, links, and the icons that made it what it is ___ and was.

2.  Divide and Conquer: The Strategies of Resentment

I just viewed "Hip-Hop at 45" on Fuse TV/ 8.11.18 and in the writer, illustrator and producer effort they gave everyone credit for inspiring/creating Hip-Hop rather than the rightful and truthful inspirator of Hip Hop.

In conformity with alternative facts, and in the extent of their deceptions, they even went as far back to unsubstantiated decades to representingly facilitated their claims, which conclusion was unequivocally inaccurate.

3. Shame

The authenticator DJ Kool Herc, and the innovator/curator African Bambata ___ whose expertise in the field of Hip Hop is widely acknowledged and respected __ and all you prominent, New York-collaborating-cats who participated in this lie, should be ashamed of themselves. My brothers have courage _ _ _.

Everybody knows that the original, unprecedented, unique and exceptional-old school 1950-60's Jamaican dancehall turntable and Dee0Haying's technics/techniques was what cued up inspiration and was the mechanism that birthed Hip Hop and fueled rap's rise. If you all don't know that, you all don't know Hip-Hop! Listen!!!

Next you're going to tell us (Jamaicans) that P.Diddy created the "remix", my bad, you did!

4. Respect

Fun and joke aside _ _ _ we respect all Hip Hop icons who had shaped the past and is now shaping the future; however, the truth is absolute and mandatory. Let's give props where props is due.

Knowing he authenticity and the source of inspiration for Hip Hop does not diminishes its success and historical, cultural-footprint dominance both domestically and internationally.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Deja Vu: Promoting Black Gencide(s)


1.  Those, the controlling Hollywood elites Film industry and their aligning Wall Street/Silicon Valley's conglomerates and Plutocrats among others who over the years have insidiously and effectively participated.  Promoted and benefited from destroying our community and from the subjugation of our people, are at it again: They are systemically brainwashing and grooming the next generation of our kids for their profitable penal-slave-colonies: The United States (State Run) prison industry.

2. Glorification of Criminality

Did you notice the over-saturating wave of thrillingly fictitious, exaggerating/blaxploitation, larger than life, drugs flicks popping up with great animation that are deeply grounded in the glorification of criminality: cannibalism, self-hatred and self-destruction that bears striking similarities reminiscing the 70's,80's, and 90's?

3. Declaration of War

With what this government did to us before and since their declaration of war on our people and communities generations ago, this present generation are at risk again of becoming even more tempted and/or indoctrinated to be self-destructive right when it is more critical than ever that they receive character development, realistic dialogue, positive messages, guidance and support.
* This impending danger present a dire out look for our kids. And profoundly considering the consequences, we can not __ or must not __ accept this fate for our kids. We, with vigor and determination, must do all we can to prevent this indoctrinating disaster from happening; We must collectively, today, make our kids award of this imminent danger.
* If your kids, at the pure Golden Age of twelve, do not know that he or she has the right to an attorney _ __ or if your kids fell victim to the streets or to this government subjugating ruse(s), its on you, the parents.

Things that Inspired Us


The most inspiring quotation from the 2016 Presidential election that contributed to the essence of our being was not earned effusive praise and charming supreme quote so well prescribed by our beloved former First Lady __ the Goddess ___ Mrs. Michelle Obama, but was the uncompromising/ captivating quote fiercely spoken by Ms. Erika Alexander, aka Maxine from the 90's TV series "Living Single" who said, I paraphrased: "When they go low __ we bury them." To me that's a conceptual work of thought. Brilliant!!