Friday, June 15, 2018



A special Happy 2018 birthday and Mother's Day to a very special lady my incredible mom, Mrs. Veronica Smith. Happy Birthday Mom! I congratulate you on your 78th Birthday__ and, Mom I apologize for not being home for you. I Love You Mom.

Also, even though every mom is special and earned and deserves our love. I want to send a special round of applause, shout out, high five and praises(s) to all effective, inspirational, compassionate, loving and beautiful mothers from: Jamaica, America, Australia, Netherlands, England, and South Africa whom have shown significant attributes as providers and supporters __ and who have taught their children how to believe in their dreams and to fight for them. You all know who you are. You all are a light to the world. There isn't enough time or space here to list my gratitude and appreciations. You ladies/mothers will forever be remembered for your exceptional magic unselfishness and love. You all will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank You all for being a part of my life. Thank You.

And because character matters, as promised, Happy Mother's Day also to Sandra. My baby mother.

Again, Happy Birthday Mom, for your consistent love and support___ and most important, for being who you are. Love You.

From Mr. Edwards

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