Thursday, October 11, 2018

White Nationalists Plan Rally in Washington

Wrote 7-26-18


1)  Now that the Alt-Right/Neo-Nazis and white-torch carrying swastika-bearing, supremacists was granted permits to rally in Washington, D.C. this coming August 12, 2018, to mark the one year anniversary of their murderous rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and its substantiated _ _ _and we are definitively aware that racist-in-chief Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff "the Klans" Sessions, Secretary of State Mike "Xenophobic" Pompeo along with others in Mr. Trumps Administration and his Republican party are aligned with and shared solidarity and the same ideologies & politics with those Alt-Right, Nationalist, White-Supremacists I am hoping that at the next White House press briefing, our sisters: White House correspondent April Ryan, Kristen Welter, and/or Yamiche Alcinder, would ask White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders whether or not Mr. Trump would be in Washington, D.C. on August 12, or whether or not Jason Kessler, who organized last year's event under the banner "Unite the Right" had invited Mr. Trump or any of his administration members to the aforementioned rally, or whether or not Mr. Trump or any of his administration members will be attending,(watching or audibly listening to), that "White Rights __ Make America Great Again ___ Rally" on or about August 12, 2018.


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