Wednesday, December 12, 2018

New York Parasitic Elites' Agenda


* What's going on in Washington, D.C. and the rest of the United States of Amerikka today with those governing corrupted New York's politicians, law-makers and aligning ruling parasitic elites from both sides of the political aisle is a progressive agenda ___ 30 years in the making ___ reminiscent of a geographical microcosmical ethic-cleansing operation procedure carried out under controlled conditions which was waged against Black, Brown and West Indian and South American migrants and immigrants in New York City launched after the Crown Heights up-rising in the early 90's.

* As a result of that successful racist experimental pilot program: the criminalization of and discrimination against Black, Brown and minority migrants; the extra judicial "stop & frisk" _ _ _; the unchecked raids and expulsions of such; the over-zealous illegal government's arbitrary forfeiture; the mass incarceration; the unethical law-enforcement killings; and the targeted & forced deportation of nearly 2-million New York immigrants based on income, race, and origin; knowing its potential impact in New York. Those same coalition of corruptionists ___ the architects of white supremacy domination __ all of whom had oversea-ed the atrocities over Black, Brown and minority immigrants in New York City: The Trumps; the Clintons___ yes, the Clintons___; the Boltons; the pandering Giuliani; the Kushners; the Bloombergs; the complicity Schumers: in conjunction and collusion with the so-called establish neo-Nazis nationalist; the white supremacist; the apartheid supporters and their Allies and sympathizers, through their affiliation with the republican party; the democrats and the anit-black jewish establishment have now took that same campaign of xenophobia, disenfranchising, gentrification, ethnic-cleansing and genocidal practices nation-wide ___ next to be replicated globally.

* There;s no doubt that their genocidal experiment did work in New York City, the racial demographic shift attest to this, and the profound ethnic differences is clear. If you have any doubt about this, ask any African American or Black or Brown immigrants who lived in the New York borough of Brooklyn during the 80's; or take a drive through Bedford Stuyvesant, Crown heights, Bushwick, Flatbush, Leffert Gardens, etc. and picture is very very disturbing. All those neighborhoods were all once Black and Brown and Caribbean majority neighborhoods up until that justified Crown Heights uprising during the early '90s.

* There's no doubt that their Gentrification/ethnic-cleansing work in New York, and there is no doubt that, if go unchecked, it wont work nationwide in this United States of Amerikkka, govern by the present bigots and corruptions, if we as a people remain passive and complacent and doubtful. We have no time for despair. We as a people must continue to refuse to accept subjugation. We must resist the hostilities and oppose all (racial) transgressions.


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