Thursday, December 13, 2018

Open Letter


1. An open letter to all our conscious-minded, concerned, accomplished and influential brothers and sisters/celebrities/hip-hop artists such Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Nas, Kendrick Lamar, Jay-z, Common, TI, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Donald Glover, Nicki Minaj, Cardi-B, Alicia Keys, Lil Kim, Rihanna, the amazing Beyonce and many others who we admired and adored and learned from through the years. We your captive brothers and sisters who are held in captive behind enemy lines, are asking/requesting that you rescue and save this news paper: The National Black Newspaper called "The San Francisco Bay View"by contributing to its survival in any way possible.

2. This struggling Black own/Black control Publication is not only importantly convenient, but is the only news paper available that uncensoriously, unapologetically and determiningly advocated for Black Fight for equality and exposes systemic corporate and government sponsored racism and bigotry with the objective of raising awareness of the inhumane conditions treatment and polices that aflict those of us held in mental and physical slavery throughout the AmeriKKKa and the world.

*for many of us(your brothers and sisters) held in repressive torture sites and penal colonies such as Solitary security Housing Units(SHUs) and places like AmeriKKKA number one torture site, the ADX-Florence in Florence,Colorado where I am entombed, and other brothers and sisters who are suffering from 20_30_40_ years of untreated mental emotion and physical neglects; held in inhumane, degrading conditions and institutional slavery and incommunicado (with no accesses to or is deprive of communication) that are prevalent __ this newspaper have helped millions of us to positively change our lives. It is our Facebook, our Google, our Snapchat, our Netflix, our Twitter, our Instagram___ OUR social network. (all the things you take for granted, but is not available to us), but most important, more than anything else, this paper advocated for and fight for us: All of us, included you.

3. If you support an end to modern day slavery, and is committed and dedicated yourselves to the process ___ and is an advocator for prison reform we are requesting that you participate in _ _ _ and most definitely save this National Black own and control newspaper.

* To allow this voice of the voiceless to fail or fold would be ashame; and, if not , worst than the indignity still associated with us allowing our voice to become muted and worthless and/or controlled as we did with Black Entertainment Television(BET)

* In an Adolf Trump Era AmeriKKKa where the aforementioned corporate elites could get a negro to dance with an unicorn in their commercial, we, black captives, behind enemy lines should have a few conscious and concern folks that have our back.
                                                     "If you're fighting for changes and you're not fighting for enslaved,   you're only fighting for comforts _ _ _"

* Please, Please help us help this paper sustain and maintain. It's the only true voice we have. Please help! We respectfully and sincerely thank you all for your prompt assistance(s).

4. If you're interested in helping _ _ _ please contact the aforementioned newspaper at their listed address which, unfortunately, I am not allow to list here.

JOIN US!! Thank YOU!!

p.s. Thank You, Paradise Free Jah love, president of the International Black Writers and Artists, for printing names and calling out all our beloved and admired folks who we know could help. Thank You!
"Support the paper that support us"

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

New York Parasitic Elites' Agenda


* What's going on in Washington, D.C. and the rest of the United States of Amerikka today with those governing corrupted New York's politicians, law-makers and aligning ruling parasitic elites from both sides of the political aisle is a progressive agenda ___ 30 years in the making ___ reminiscent of a geographical microcosmical ethic-cleansing operation procedure carried out under controlled conditions which was waged against Black, Brown and West Indian and South American migrants and immigrants in New York City launched after the Crown Heights up-rising in the early 90's.

* As a result of that successful racist experimental pilot program: the criminalization of and discrimination against Black, Brown and minority migrants; the extra judicial "stop & frisk" _ _ _; the unchecked raids and expulsions of such; the over-zealous illegal government's arbitrary forfeiture; the mass incarceration; the unethical law-enforcement killings; and the targeted & forced deportation of nearly 2-million New York immigrants based on income, race, and origin; knowing its potential impact in New York. Those same coalition of corruptionists ___ the architects of white supremacy domination __ all of whom had oversea-ed the atrocities over Black, Brown and minority immigrants in New York City: The Trumps; the Clintons___ yes, the Clintons___; the Boltons; the pandering Giuliani; the Kushners; the Bloombergs; the complicity Schumers: in conjunction and collusion with the so-called establish neo-Nazis nationalist; the white supremacist; the apartheid supporters and their Allies and sympathizers, through their affiliation with the republican party; the democrats and the anit-black jewish establishment have now took that same campaign of xenophobia, disenfranchising, gentrification, ethnic-cleansing and genocidal practices nation-wide ___ next to be replicated globally.

* There;s no doubt that their genocidal experiment did work in New York City, the racial demographic shift attest to this, and the profound ethnic differences is clear. If you have any doubt about this, ask any African American or Black or Brown immigrants who lived in the New York borough of Brooklyn during the 80's; or take a drive through Bedford Stuyvesant, Crown heights, Bushwick, Flatbush, Leffert Gardens, etc. and picture is very very disturbing. All those neighborhoods were all once Black and Brown and Caribbean majority neighborhoods up until that justified Crown Heights uprising during the early '90s.

* There's no doubt that their Gentrification/ethnic-cleansing work in New York, and there is no doubt that, if go unchecked, it wont work nationwide in this United States of Amerikkka, govern by the present bigots and corruptions, if we as a people remain passive and complacent and doubtful. We have no time for despair. We as a people must continue to refuse to accept subjugation. We must resist the hostilities and oppose all (racial) transgressions.


Thursday, October 11, 2018


wrote: 3-16-2018

Those old men and women whose positions are reflective or "Right-wing orthodoxies" which favor oppressing Black people such as Trump,Session, and many of their confidants and political allies who knew that they wont be around in the next 15-20 years due to life expectation, but who are campaigning, endorsing, implementing, and setting those racist policies and discriminatory practices into laws that will govern us and oppresses and depresses us for centuries to come, their families, off-springs and dependents should be expose so they too are held accountable for their parents sin(s) against us.

Many of the aforementioned culprits __ with family history of bigotries themselves; and who themselves are also beneficiaries of white supremacy's privileges __ know they wont be around to be held accountable for the(ir) wickedness perpetuated against us. So they have no problem perpetuating their racist politics and/or enriching their dependents/descendants.

They must know that we(as the people) will never ever again ___ as in the past ___ forget or forgive them or their descendants and dependents who benefited or inherited the bounties from their evil action and sins.

We shall hold their kids; and their kids kids; and their kids kids kids kids(descendants) accountable for the evil they brought upon us.


White Nationalists Plan Rally in Washington

Wrote 7-26-18


1)  Now that the Alt-Right/Neo-Nazis and white-torch carrying swastika-bearing, supremacists was granted permits to rally in Washington, D.C. this coming August 12, 2018, to mark the one year anniversary of their murderous rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and its substantiated _ _ _and we are definitively aware that racist-in-chief Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff "the Klans" Sessions, Secretary of State Mike "Xenophobic" Pompeo along with others in Mr. Trumps Administration and his Republican party are aligned with and shared solidarity and the same ideologies & politics with those Alt-Right, Nationalist, White-Supremacists I am hoping that at the next White House press briefing, our sisters: White House correspondent April Ryan, Kristen Welter, and/or Yamiche Alcinder, would ask White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders whether or not Mr. Trump would be in Washington, D.C. on August 12, or whether or not Jason Kessler, who organized last year's event under the banner "Unite the Right" had invited Mr. Trump or any of his administration members to the aforementioned rally, or whether or not Mr. Trump or any of his administration members will be attending,(watching or audibly listening to), that "White Rights __ Make America Great Again ___ Rally" on or about August 12, 2018.


Friday, September 14, 2018

Hip Hop at 45


1. Hip Hop History: A celebration of its mechanics, primary characters, ideas, innovations, links, and the icons that made it what it is ___ and was.

2.  Divide and Conquer: The Strategies of Resentment

I just viewed "Hip-Hop at 45" on Fuse TV/ 8.11.18 and in the writer, illustrator and producer effort they gave everyone credit for inspiring/creating Hip-Hop rather than the rightful and truthful inspirator of Hip Hop.

In conformity with alternative facts, and in the extent of their deceptions, they even went as far back to unsubstantiated decades to representingly facilitated their claims, which conclusion was unequivocally inaccurate.

3. Shame

The authenticator DJ Kool Herc, and the innovator/curator African Bambata ___ whose expertise in the field of Hip Hop is widely acknowledged and respected __ and all you prominent, New York-collaborating-cats who participated in this lie, should be ashamed of themselves. My brothers have courage _ _ _.

Everybody knows that the original, unprecedented, unique and exceptional-old school 1950-60's Jamaican dancehall turntable and Dee0Haying's technics/techniques was what cued up inspiration and was the mechanism that birthed Hip Hop and fueled rap's rise. If you all don't know that, you all don't know Hip-Hop! Listen!!!

Next you're going to tell us (Jamaicans) that P.Diddy created the "remix", my bad, you did!

4. Respect

Fun and joke aside _ _ _ we respect all Hip Hop icons who had shaped the past and is now shaping the future; however, the truth is absolute and mandatory. Let's give props where props is due.

Knowing he authenticity and the source of inspiration for Hip Hop does not diminishes its success and historical, cultural-footprint dominance both domestically and internationally.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Deja Vu: Promoting Black Gencide(s)


1.  Those, the controlling Hollywood elites Film industry and their aligning Wall Street/Silicon Valley's conglomerates and Plutocrats among others who over the years have insidiously and effectively participated.  Promoted and benefited from destroying our community and from the subjugation of our people, are at it again: They are systemically brainwashing and grooming the next generation of our kids for their profitable penal-slave-colonies: The United States (State Run) prison industry.

2. Glorification of Criminality

Did you notice the over-saturating wave of thrillingly fictitious, exaggerating/blaxploitation, larger than life, drugs flicks popping up with great animation that are deeply grounded in the glorification of criminality: cannibalism, self-hatred and self-destruction that bears striking similarities reminiscing the 70's,80's, and 90's?

3. Declaration of War

With what this government did to us before and since their declaration of war on our people and communities generations ago, this present generation are at risk again of becoming even more tempted and/or indoctrinated to be self-destructive right when it is more critical than ever that they receive character development, realistic dialogue, positive messages, guidance and support.
* This impending danger present a dire out look for our kids. And profoundly considering the consequences, we can not __ or must not __ accept this fate for our kids. We, with vigor and determination, must do all we can to prevent this indoctrinating disaster from happening; We must collectively, today, make our kids award of this imminent danger.
* If your kids, at the pure Golden Age of twelve, do not know that he or she has the right to an attorney _ __ or if your kids fell victim to the streets or to this government subjugating ruse(s), its on you, the parents.

Things that Inspired Us


The most inspiring quotation from the 2016 Presidential election that contributed to the essence of our being was not earned effusive praise and charming supreme quote so well prescribed by our beloved former First Lady __ the Goddess ___ Mrs. Michelle Obama, but was the uncompromising/ captivating quote fiercely spoken by Ms. Erika Alexander, aka Maxine from the 90's TV series "Living Single" who said, I paraphrased: "When they go low __ we bury them." To me that's a conceptual work of thought. Brilliant!!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Fifa World Cup Football

* This year (2018) FiFa World Cup Soccer was the best. So far, its phenomenon and beyond words.

*Today (6/30/18) round of 16 clashes between Mexico vs Brazil and Belgium vs. Japan were epic. Massive!

*Belgium came back after being down 2-goals in the 60s minutes by the courageous underdog Japans team was thrilling: very impressive and brilliant.

*Love the Mexicans game! They're a threat every time they are in possession of the ball, and even when they're not.

* Soccer is one of my most enjoyable sport. I love it! I've watch at least the last 8-World Cup Soccer __ out of the 20-world cups since 1930 ___ and this year matches so far, are some of the most excited.

* I love soccer! And I love FiFA World Cup soccer(s). I personally love it because, sadly, it the only time when we (football fans) get to see many of our uniquely, talented skill beloved brother and sister soccer participants from Central and South America: Peru, Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil etc., who have become know to, and loved by, Legions around the world in a positive/patriotic light because we never ever get to see Afro-Latinos on any of the major U.S. North America/Spanish controlled TV channels, but every 4 years when its the World Cup. It speaks volumes. World Cup 2018.

The Trump-Putin

Historic Summit in Helsinki, Finland.
Monday July 16, 2018


*2014, the Russian annexed Crimea: The Ukraine's Peninsula.

*Today, July 16, 2018, the Russian Annexed Washington D.C. the capital and domain of the United States of America.

*Under President Obama the Russian Annexed Crimea.

*Under President Trump the Russian Annexed the United States of America.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018



Mr. Lloyd Pants

It is with great sadness accompanied by dignified honor that I offer this small token of love by posting this post wishing Happy Father's Day to the man I deeply love and honor to call my dad and aspirator, my dear and beloved dad, Mr. Lloyd "Pants" Edwards.

Good Man. Good Father. Good Person.

My Dad, Mr. Edwards, was very, very, very good man and father. He took care of his responsibilities and provided for his children and grandchildren, his step-children and their children__ his loved ones and friends up until his passing. My father was a man of extreme kindness and compassion. He had a giving soul.

*My Dad was a true entrepreneur, with an incredible work ethic. My Dad was one of the most fashionable/stylist custom tailor __ with one of the best wardrobing ever seen__ during his life growing up in Kingston, Jamaica.

* My Dad had friends and associates all over the Caribbean's Islands, especially in Jamaica from the coastline's tip of Port-Royal to the affluent suburbs of St. James and St. Ann.

* My Dad was a very handsome man with chiseled face and a Jay Leno's chin which my name sake son seemed to have inherited.

* My Dad was adored by his family and beloved by others. I've watched my Dad at work in his business, and been impressed and fascinated.

* My Dad was a wonderful person, a flamboyant, out-going, and down-to-earth. He had a vision, and really made magic happen(ed).

* My dad was an elegant man with big dreams ahead and he wanted it not only for himself but for his family.


Sadly, my Dad was murdered during the weekend of the Caribbean J'ouvert  celebration on Labor Day 1982 in Brooklyn, New York(USA).

*And on that sad day, I realized that something had gone horribly awry __ terribly wrong. And for the first time in my life I was alone and really in need for my Dad.

*It was a very disbelief moment... it just never once occurred to me or our family that this would have happened. I was actually disappointed. The anticipated future with my Dad I had so prized was replaced with mourning: bitterness and pain.

                                                      Gone but Never Forgotten

The murdered of my Dad was a loss that pained me in more ways than I could say.

* There is not a day that goes by when I do not missed my Dad; and desired his love and security.

* For many, many, many, years following my Dad passing(murdered!) I couldn't thought of my Dad without crying ___ which was every day ___ tears of pain would flow from my eyes. Those painful tears reminded me of life __ a life I could have had.

                                                               Mourning Vipers

I remember at my Dad's funeral how it was tense, awkward, sad, and demotivating for me.

* As I stood there in the presence of evil, looking out at the pretentious mourners and vipers how evidence had indicated, at the time that hidden amongst the grieving crowd were the people who may had been responsible (in some ways or another) for my Dad demised.

* Indeed, there was a widely held assumption of complicity on his envious colleagues, and business partner's part.

                                                                 Painful Grieving

As I stood there in that cemetery, at my Dad's burial service, grieving, I felt disassociated, vulnerable, responsible, manipulated, worthless and humiliated. I, I, I ... was sad and revulsed.

* As the cloud of sadness, shame, fear, and anxiety penetrated the fortress of my heart, I fought the urges not to cry, not because I didn't want to show my vulnerability and let others know that I was genuinely sad and upset; but, because at the time I was so hurting that my tears had frozen in the energy of darkness. So I just stood there, unprepared, stone-faced, and silently anchored by pain.

                                                                 Mind Unraveling

As the service was winding down, I remember stepping from the anxiety of the circumstances into the solitude among some secluded branches of tree and large showy flowers where by myself, gripped by debilitating fear, my anxiety rose to the surface ____ my mind unraveled _____ I closed my eyes, and silent tears streamed down my face ___ and they wouldn't stop. I felt a combination of bitterness and evil. It was almost unbearable, it was a moment of disbelief. I felt inadequate. I was filled with grief.

                                                                    Fill with Grief

Filled with grief while trying to hold on to hope, my pain brought me to my knees and showed me the true meaning of helplessness __ and hopelessness.

* I just could not understood, intellectually at least, why that atrocity happened to such a good, generous man. It broke my heart. I felt like my Dad did not deserve this: my family did not deserve this.

                                                                   Devastating Effects

My Dad murder had a devastating effect on my life. It was awful for me and the family. I was bitter and angry. I felt like the family ___ my family __ was slighted, disrespected, and stepped on.

* I wanted revenge: something kept tugging at my soul, saying, "you have to get the people who were responsible for this" but I did nothing.

* Not having the necessary tools or resources to help me move through the grieving process, at the time, I got stuck for years in pain __ and it remained painful until this day.

                                                                   Everything to Me

I adored my dad. My Dad means everything to me ___ but more important ____ he symbolized to me, the importance of a relating engaging father present in his kids' lives.

* During the course of our lives, we need our dads. Without our Dads a lot of us ability to complete life task falls significantly.

* Our Dads are a great source of teaching ___ of compassionate observation, clear communication and unconditional support _ _ _ they can also be great source of discipline, compassion and patience. Our Dads help us to find balance and focus as we move step by step in life.

* Having an engaging relatable, inspirational Dad with a mixture of key talent, work ethic, positivity and kindness who feed your soul and nourish your mind is a rich complement to our lives.


Over the past 30-years of my incarceration where I've survived off the left-over breadcrumbs of affection, despite of all the suffering and regrets, it's hard for me not to feel gratitude for my Dad.

* As I think of my Dad today, I am fill with gratitude for the experiences and intimate friendships we share, and the memories he gave me.

* And even when I'd risen my mom and his stress-hormones, and he had seen me at my worst, his love for me had never waver or faded ___ he cared for me and loved me more than any father would.

                                                                    Cherish and Revered

The appeal of a good Dad is clear. A good Dad should be cherish and revered, and that is why today in honor of, first: my Dad second; to all the responsible Dads in the free world, especially those that made a difference in their kids and family lives; and, third, to all the devoted, trying Dads who in their limited capacities and dedicated unprecedented efforts, tried their best to provided and to be a good father, like myself, but due to unperceived circumstances and bad unintended intention and/or bad choices, they fell short. I want to honor you all and wish you all prosperity, freedom, peace and a Happy Happy Fathers Day. Happy Fathers Day Dads!!
and a special, special Happy father's Dad to my Dad and Sons. I love you all.

Also thanks to:
*My step-father, Mr. Winstan Smith Sr.;
*Uncle Arthur. sailor & shipworker on the renowned Caribbean rescue ship station in Kingston's harbor, 1960s- 70s;
*Mr. Patrick, school teacher/principal of St. Michael all age school, Rae Town, 1970's-80's
*Jiggle, rollerskating ring's owner, former politician and PNP activist, friend & father;
*Unnamed politician/constructor,(friend and political supporter of the Matalons __ 1960s-70s). builder of Portmore and greater Portmore _ __;
*And many other Fathers who had made significant impact in my life.

Thank You.

Mr. Delroy Edwards

Friday, June 15, 2018



A special Happy 2018 birthday and Mother's Day to a very special lady my incredible mom, Mrs. Veronica Smith. Happy Birthday Mom! I congratulate you on your 78th Birthday__ and, Mom I apologize for not being home for you. I Love You Mom.

Also, even though every mom is special and earned and deserves our love. I want to send a special round of applause, shout out, high five and praises(s) to all effective, inspirational, compassionate, loving and beautiful mothers from: Jamaica, America, Australia, Netherlands, England, and South Africa whom have shown significant attributes as providers and supporters __ and who have taught their children how to believe in their dreams and to fight for them. You all know who you are. You all are a light to the world. There isn't enough time or space here to list my gratitude and appreciations. You ladies/mothers will forever be remembered for your exceptional magic unselfishness and love. You all will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank You all for being a part of my life. Thank You.

And because character matters, as promised, Happy Mother's Day also to Sandra. My baby mother.

Again, Happy Birthday Mom, for your consistent love and support___ and most important, for being who you are. Love You.

From Mr. Edwards